Sirius's Ramblings

a repository of random

the method of using this generator is as follows:
1) select an import image, according to guidelines below.
2) load shape into memory with the button
3) decide on the number of rooms. rooms are typically about 30-70 pixels in size, usually around 50. with that in mind, you should fill your image about 80% with dungeon, so multiply the number of white pixels in the input image by .8, then divide by 50 for optimal room count.
4) Make rooms. this step WILL take some time, and takes longer the more rooms you require.
5) ready rooms for doors with the button
6) decide on number of doors. the dungeon seems to work best if each room has 6 or so doors, so multiply rooms by about 3 for door count.
7) cut each room not connected to the whole. this step makes it possible to actually reach every room in the dungeon.